BIBL • Biblical Studies
BIBL 100 · Introduction to Biblical Literature: Exodus/Deuteronomy 3 Credits
Introduction to Old Testament biblical literature, interpretation, and application for personal faith formation. Students explore the scope and structure of the overarching Old Testament biblical narrative, and study the specific people, events, context, and theology of the books of Exodus and Deuteronomy. Students interpret individual texts within each book and study how Deuteronomy uses the material of Exodus to communicate God’s Word to a new generation.
BIBL 230 · Introduction to Biblical Literature: Luke/Acts 3 Credits
Introduction to New Testament biblical literature, interpretation, and application for personal faith formation. Students explore the scope and structure of the overarching biblical narrative, and study the specific people, events, context, and theology of the books of Luke and Acts. Students interpret individual texts within each book and study how those texts are relevant for faithful Christian living.