Academic Catalog

2024-2025 Edition

Bachelor of Public Health

The Los Angeles Pacific University (LAPU) Bachelor of Public Health (BPH) mission is to enhance students’ understanding of the core values and concepts of public health, along with its history and philosophy. Students receive a foundation of public health concepts and issues, including the essentials of public health services, epidemiology, developing and assessing public health, research methods in health sciences, and the role of artificial intelligence in healthcare. The goal is to develop public health leaders who are compassionate, ethically grounded, and motivated by a desire to make a positive impact in the world in alignment with Christian values.

Students in the Bachelor of Public Health program who intend to apply to the Master of Public Health program have an opportunity to substitute up to three graduate level classes to satisfy BPH major requirements.  Allowable substitutions include PUBH 500 for PUBH 300, PUBH 530 for PUBH 280, and PUBH 540 for PUBH 380.  Undergraduate students considering substitution courses should work with their success coach to determine whether this option fits with their future goals. In addition, students must have a minimum GPA of 3.0 and obtain approval from the assistant dean of the graduate program. Please be aware that graduate-level substitution courses have a different tuition rate.

Program Learning Outcomes (PLO) for the Bachelor of Public Health Degree

Graduates of the Bachelor of Public Health degree program will be able to:

  • PLO 1: Evaluate personal and organizational ethics affecting public health decisions from a Christian worldview perspective.
  • PLO 2: Demonstrate effective written communication of public health information
  • PLO 3: Demonstrate effective oral communication of public health information.
  • PLO 4: Critically interpret data to assess public health interventions and outcomes.
  • PLO 5: Utilize critical thinking and systems-based approaches in public health research and its implications.
  • PLO 6:  Implement key public health competencies in addressing real-world health challenges.
  • PLO 7: Promote diversity and cultural sensitivity in alignment with professional standards.

The Los Angeles Pacific University Core comprises the General Education requirements and the LAPU Distinctives. Students are encouraged to complete the Core before beginning their major requirements. General Education requirements may be met by transfer work. The LAPU Distinctives are required for all undergraduate degrees at LAPU.

Requirement Title Credits
General Education Requirements25
LAPU Distinctives9
Total Credits34

General Education 

Requirement Title Credits
English Communication
COMM 105Public Communication3
ENGL 105Introduction to Academic Research and Writing3
ARTS 110Introduction to Art3
ENGL 115Introduction to Literature3
or PHIL 205 Introduction to Philosophy
or PHIL 210 Introduction to Ethics
Quantitative Reasoning
STAT 280Applied Statistics3
Behavioral Sciences
PSYC 105Introduction to Psychology3
Social Sciences
HIST 202World Civilizations3
or HIST 204 U.S. History from 1865
or HIST 420 United States History and the Constitution
Physical and Biological Sciences
BIOL 105General Biology/Lab4
Total Credits25

LAPU Distinctives

Requirement Title Credits
BIBL 100Introduction to Biblical Literature: Exodus/Deuteronomy3
BIBL 230Introduction to Biblical Literature: Luke/Acts3
ISTU 101Success in the University 13
Total Credits9

Must be taken at LAPU.

To earn the Bachelor of Public Health degree, students must complete the following degree components:

Requirement Title Credits
Program Requisites9
Major Requirements36
Total Credits120

In order to earn the Bachelor of Public Health degree, students must complete the following required courses while achieving a minimum cumulative grade-point average (GPA) of 2.0 in their major courses.

Requirement Title Credits
Core Requirement34
Program Requisites
HSCI 100Introduction to Health and Disease3
HSCI 105Nutrition and Wellness3
HSCI 110U.S. Healthcare Systems3
Major Requirements
BUSN 460Leadership and People3
HMGT 320Healthcare Financial Management3
HSCI 300Bioethics3
HSCI 320Medical Sociology3
PSYC 430Cultural Psychology3
PUBH 280Environmental Health3
PUBH 300Public Health Essentials3
PUBH 310Research Methods in Health Sciences & Public Health3
PUBH 380Epidemiology3
PUBH 400Global Health3
PUBH 450AI in Healthcare and Public Health3
PUBH 490Developing and Assessing Public Health Services3
Electives 141
Total Credits120

Students may choose from any course in the catalog. If students wish to complete a concentration, they may complete a maximum of two concentrations.

Students may also earn up to 30 credits of electives via Prior Learning Assessment (PLA).