Academic Catalog

2024-2025 Edition

Late Work Policy

An assignment or discussion is considered late if not posted by the stated deadline. No late work will be accepted for quizzes or exams. A late assignment will receive a 10 percent deduction for assignments submitted up to 72 hours late. Assignments submitted after 72 hours and up to one week late will receive a 20 percent deduction with no credit given for work submitted after one week from the original due date. A late discussion (initial post or peer response post) will receive a 10 percent deduction from the total score for the entire discussion, with no credit given for posts made after the close of the week when the discussion is due (Monday 8 AM PT). No late work is accepted after Friday of Week 8.

Technological issues are not considered acceptable reasons for submitting late work. Students should always back up their work and have a plan for submitting assignments even in the case of computer problems or loss of internet access.

Request for Extension 
Students experiencing life circumstances that impact their studies significantly, such as hospitalization, death in the family, or other types of critical life circumstances, may work with their instructor to submit a request for an extension. An approved request for extension waives the late penalty and extends the assignment deadline.

The request for extension is sent in the form of an email to the instructor of the course from the student’s LAPU email account and includes: (1) a rationale for the request (i.e. why the student is not able to submit on time) and (2) a list of the specific assignments the student is requesting to make up. The instructor may require supporting documentation. Such requests (and supporting documentation, if required) must be submitted within three weeks of the due date of the missed assignment. Requests are typically limited to one week’s worth of assignments. The final decision associated with the assignments and deadlines is at the instructor’s discretion for each course. When an extension is granted, the instructor is responsible for communicating a new due date to the student. Instructors should maintain a record of the email communication about the approved or denied requests for extension.

Students who miss a discussion assignment do not receive any points for that discussion. However, with the approval of an extension, instructors collaborate with students to identify a replacement assignment.  For example, with approval of a request for an extension, students may be allowed to write a 600- to 900-word replacement essay corresponding to a topic assigned by the instructor. Allowance of and performance criteria for such a replacement assignment will be at the instructor’s discretion.

Students experiencing life circumstances that extensively disrupt their studies should consult their success coach to determine whether submitting an Incomplete Grade Petition is appropriate.